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The Bigfoots Pad Paranormal investigates multiple fields of the paranormal including:


Ghosts are believed to be the spirits of individuals who have lived in the past. Ghosts are theorized to attach themselves to a person, place, or object. There are multiple forms of ghostly phenomenon including: poltergeists, demons, shadow people, imps, orbs, and light activity to name a few.


Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot) is the most famous creature in all the fields of cryptozoology. Believed to be a nearly extinct or unknown primate, Sasquatch has been spotted throughout the world for hundreds of years. The most famous piece of Sasquatch video footage ever recorded is the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film recorded in northern California.

-Lake Monsters-

Lake monsters are believed to be extinct or previously undiscovered creatures that roam our waterways. Multiple unidentifiable creatures have been photographed and caught on video cameras around the world.



The Mothman is a flying cryptid with large wings and piercing red eyes. The creature is most famously known for a number of sightings that occurred in 1966-1967 time frame in the town of Point Plesant, West Virginia. Its most commonly believed to be a spiritual being or a mutated bird. The bulk of modern-day reports come from the United States and Russia.

-UFO Related-

UFO's, or unidentified flying objects, are reported in thje skies around the world. They often appear as strange lights, shapes, objects, and some are said to have even crashed! The Bigfoots Pad Paranormal team has been eyewitnesses to many sightings themselves. Next time you see a star or strange object in the sky, take a second to ask yourself, What If?

-Alien Abductions-

Aliens have been a debatable subject for centuries. They are believed to be intelligent life forms from beyond our solar system. The most popular reported aliens are known as the Grays (their likeness is pictured here), with other races being reported as well. Is science true when they say that we are alone in the universe?


The Chupacabra is a cryptid commonly found in the southern United States and Puerto Rico. Its said to suck blood from various types of animals causing widespread panic in small towns and villages throughout the south. The individuals who have seen the creature say that it stands between 3-5 feet tall and has red eyes similar to that of the mothman.

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